Irish Earth Observation Symposium Talk 2017 - EVDC

I recently gave a talk on the European Space Agencies Validation Data Center (EVDC) at IEOS 2017. This talk gave an overview of EVDC and then a live demo of the Orbital Prediction and Overpass Tool (OPOT).

EVDC is used to host calibration and validation data for various ESA remote sensing campaigns, and is now being expanded to host data from the Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-5P and ADM-Aeolus missions, while the OPOT is used to help plan Earth observation campaigns.

The embedded video shows a screen grab of the OPOT demo, which I created after the talk.
The demo shows the following features:

  • Overpass of a point location
  • Overpass of a polygon location
  • Download and Upload results
  • Joint overpass of a point location
  • Temporal Overpass (No location is needed for this query, instead it returns a list of every time two satellites field of view intersects during a particular time period)
  • Downloading satellite data based on results from OPOT

OPOT can be found at the following link:


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